发表时间:2024-01-26 来源:本站整理相关软件相关文章人气:
Challenge Conditions and Criteria
Chameleon Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Electrician, Janitor, Hope Goon 收集这3种制服:电工、保安、第三个不知道怎么翻译
Evidence Collector Collect the evidence in Terminus Hotel and Upper Floors 收集2个证据:第一个在一楼大堂前台工作室内,第二个在宴会厅钢琴一侧的侧厅内
Infiltrator Complete the chapter without being spotted. Terminus Hotel and Upper Floors. 不被发现完成任务
Suit Only Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Terminus Hotel and Upper Floors. 不更换制服完成任务
Housekeeping Eliminate 10 enemies and remain unseen. You can do this using the Upper Floor's restroom and a radio. Simply hide the bodies in the stall; you don't recover your points, but you can restart a checkpoint after completing a challenge. 干掉10个敌人并不被发现
Don't Disturb Reach room 899 without pacifying or killing anyone. 不触动任何人到达899号房间
Hall Pass Visit all areas of the chapter without being spotted. You can try the janitor disguise, which conveys the same neutral status as 47's suit in the Upper Floors.不被发现地参观所有区域,你可以试试保安的制服
An Evening in Paradise Find a movie reel and play it in the projector in Upper Floors. A movie reel can be found in the janitorial closet next to the restroom or in the ballroom. 找一个电影胶卷并播放,可以在7楼洗手间旁的杂物房里,或者8楼宴会厅里找到
Inside Path Go up to the 8th floor from the 7th floor using a specific path. Lure the enemy by keycard stairs away and go through the window on 7F. Use the ledge on 8F to reach room 899. Playing the movie does draw away a lot of the enemies near the exit. 用特定方式从7楼上去8楼:将刷卡器旁的警卫引诱开,从7楼窗口出去,爬上8楼,过了熊雕像往右,将保安推出窗口,爬出去,过去对面就是899门口。播电影可以引走很多敌人
The Man From South Dakota Clear mission 完成任务
The Electrician Part 1 A tool of many uses. Use the screwdriver in an Electrician's garb to stealth kill someone and remain unseen.穿电工制服,用螺丝刀杀人并不被发现
The Electrician Part 2 They never knew what hit them. Use the screwdriver in an Electrician's garb. You must throw the screwdriver and kill five enemies and remain unseen. Only enemies, not tradesmen.穿电工制服,用螺丝刀杀5人并不被发现
Item Location
Disguise - Janitor The custodians in the lower floor wear this. No janitors are in the upper floors, but this disguise is considered "neutral" in most areas on 7F.保安制服,低楼层才有,楼上没有
Disguise - Electrician The guys in the orange safety vests in the lower floor.电工制服
Disguise - Hope Goon The enemies wear this disguise.
Worn Z&M Model 60 Revolver used by enemies.敌人用的左轮枪
Mustang Snub 47's substitute for his Silver Ballers. 保安用的左轮
Worn M590 12GA Shotgun found in the hotel. 酒店里找到的散弹枪
Fire Extinguisher Plentiful in a hotel. 灭火器,进入酒店正门,左边小房间
Iron Found in the landlady's room 熨斗,在女房东的房子里
Gasoline Can Found in the basement 油罐,楼上那只巨熊附近
Knife Found in the basement 刀,在地下室
Movie Reel Found in the closet by the restroom in the upper floors or the room near the banquet hall with the piano on 8F.电影胶卷
Measuring Tape Found at the crime scene on 7F. Functions like fiber wire. 卷尺,在7楼犯罪现场
Plunger In the restroom on 7F. 活塞,通厕所的,在7楼洗手间
Radio By the laundry chute on 7F 收音机
Scissors In the projector room. 剪刀,在投影室
Screwdriver Found in various spots. The toolbox near the elevator in the basement has one.螺丝刀,多处可以找到,地下室的电梯旁的工具箱里有
Statue Bust On the floor in the landlady's room, between the Iron and the open window 雕像,在女房东的房子的地板上,在熨斗和窗口之间
Vase Hallway in the upper floors 花瓶,进入酒店正门,左边的小房间
Keycard Dropped by the maid who visits the janitor closet on 7F. 钥匙牌,在7楼,女佣身上
Bottle Empty bottles are found on the street. 瓶子,出了小巷,右前方的箱子附近
Brick One is found in the back alley to the side of the hotel.砖头,在酒店的后巷里
Wrench A few exist, but one is found by the electrician's van on the street. 扳手,出了小巷,右前方的箱子附近